ZQuiet mouthpiece 2-Pack

I know sleep issues can really mess with your life, and people around you might not be too happy about it either. There are tons of gadgets out there to stop snoring, but honestly, most of them aren’t great.

I figured I’d share my experience with the ZQuiet, just in case it helps you find the right one for you. I went through quite a few before landing on the one that worked, and it wasn’t cheap, since most didn’t do the job. So, here’s my take on the ZQuiet!

ZQuiet Details:

top anti snoring device reviews

The ZQuiet is a Mandibular Advancement Device, or MAD for short. It nudges your jaw forward a bit while you sleep. The idea behind these is pretty solid.

Snoring happens when your airways get blocked, and moving the jaw forward helps keep them open. It’s a straightforward anti-snoring mouthpiece you pop in at night to keep your jaw in place.

I gave it a shot because it seems to work for some folks, but nothing’s a sure thing for everyone. What caught my eye was the hinge that lets you open and close your mouth.

Plus, it’s just a simple piece you put in your mouth—no straps or screws or any of that complicated stuff. Simple is good, right? That’s what I thought, anyway.

So, what did I think when I got it?

Honestly, I was a bit let down at first. It looks kind of flimsy, like something you wouldn’t expect to pay much for. I’ve seen joke shop Dracula teeth that seem sturdier. But hey, it’s made from medical-grade plastic, so maybe that’s pricey.

And I did want something simple, so I can’t really complain about that. Simple it is! Maybe too simple? You just have to try it to find out.

Here’s my take on how it went for me with the ZQuiet:

First off, it didn’t fit right out of the box. But no worries, the instructions showed me how to tweak it with some snipping and filing. So, I did just that and got it to fit okay. It was soft and springy, didn’t mess with my tongue, and I didn’t drool too much.

I could even move my jaw around. People say you can talk with it in, and you can, but you sound pretty funny. Not a big deal for me since I don’t chat in my sleep, and at least I didn’t look like Hannibal Lector with it on. Off to bed I went!

Now, the downside. My ‘snoring advisor’—that’s my partner—said I was a bit quieter, but still snoring. Plus, you sleep with your mouth a bit open because of how it’s designed, which isn’t exactly attractive. Woke up with a sore mouth, dry from being open all night, and a weird plasticky taste. Not great.

I think I slept a bit better since I wasn’t snoring as hard, so I figured I’d give it a few more nights to see if I’d get used to it. I hadn’t found anything better yet (though I did later), so I thought I’d make the best of it.

After a few nights, my jaw wasn’t as sore, but my partner said I was starting to snore louder again. Maybe the thing stretched? Not sure.

Product Details (Pros and Cons):


  • It sort-of worked – for a few nights.
  • It sort-of fitted after I modified it.
  • It’s quite springy – not rigid.
  • It’s not too bulky.
  • Price not cheap, but OK


  • You still snore! Well, I did!
  • You sleep with your mouth open.
  • It’s flimsy. Don’t just take my word for it. Even people who like it say it needs frequent replacement.
  • You can’t wear it if you have any dental problems, crowns and so on.

Does it Work?

I don’t like this device and I won’t buy another. What’s the point of having a device in your mouth if it doesn’t stop you from snoring? The cost of the ZQuiet isn’t worth paying and I won’t buy it again.

My advice to you is to visit the comparison chart and see for yourself where you should start looking for an anti-snoring device.