Are you tired of living with someone who snores? Is your sleep always disturbed by someone else’s snoring? Or are you too embarrassed to go on sleepovers because of your chainsaw-like snores? Well, what took you so long to research about snoring solutions?

It should be remembered that snoring is a result of the vibrations of the soft tissues in your mouth while you sleep. You might be wondering why you are not making the same sound while you are awake. It is because the tissues in your mouth are stretched well enough so that it does not block your air passage.

At sleep, the soft tissues become very relaxed that they collapse to the air passage. Each time you breathe, the soft tissues vibrates and create the snoring sound. Some factors also contribute to the loosening of the soft tissues such as the following:

  • Long soft palate or uvula
  • Clogged nose
  • Fatty throat tissues due to obesity
  • Lack of muscle tone around the throat and tongue area

In spite of the various causes, it all boils down to keeping the air passage in your mouth clear to prevent snoring. Surgery and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) device are effective, but are very expensive methods to stop snoring. It

Anti-snoring devices have been available for a long time. The designs of the mouthpieces are now modern and better concerning safety and fit. Even if there are a lot of options when it comes to solving your snoring problem, the undisputed device that is proven to be effective are the mouthpieces.

There are two types of mouthpieces that are used to relieve snoring. They are the Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) and Tongue Restraining Device (TRD). These devices are effective because it targets the causes of snoring which are the soft palate and tongue. Here are the major features of these devices.

Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD)

  • Works by moving your mandible or lower jaw forward to keep your airways clear.
  • The device looks like a sports mouth guard.
  • Customizable through the thermoplastic material that allows the user to set a cast of their teeth for proper fit.
  • It has a built-in Breathing holes to let you breathe through your mouth while using the device.
  • It should not be worn when you have a temporomandibular (TMJ) disorder, or you do not have a healthy set of teeth.
  • It could cause sore jaw and toothache on the first few days of using. These symptoms are expected to dissipate once the user gets used to the product.

Tongue Retaining Device (TRD)

  • It works by pulling your tongue outside to prevent it from sagging to your throat while you sleep.
  • The device looks like a suction cup
  • It comes in one size only.
  • It not advisable for people who often breathe through their mouths or if you have nasal congestion. It will be very hard to breathe through the mouth while the device is on.

It may be difficult to decide between the two oral appliances. Fortunately, we discovered that there is an anti-snoring device that is found to serve both purposes, keep the mandible forward and stabilize the tongue. This product is called Zyppah.

With Zyppah, you can enjoy the best of both anti-snoring devices. First, it is an anti-snoring mouthpiece that can advance your lower jaw. Next, this device has a tongue band that keeps the tongue in place while you sleep. Using Zyppah could be likened to hitting two birds with one stone!